
Potentially the best music and sports facilities, on site, to any of the other Stewartry Schools

Kirkcudbright Academy


The school is in the fortunate position to have access to a wide range of facitilites, both belonging to the school and providing immediate access to community run facilities. Although some of the accommodation appears to be a little dated, and is in the authority programme for future refurbishment, the learning and teaching spaces provide up-to-date resources within which pupils can experience quality educational experiences.

The school can boast access to potentially the best music and sports facilities, on site, to any of the other Stewartry Schools

Music Facilities

The school has recently expanded the music facilities and opportunities available to it’s students. Following the refurbishment of the Cochran Hall, which used to house the single music room, the school has taken over the previous accommodation use buy the Community Centre and converted this into spacious music classrooms, practice rooms and music technology/recording studio.

Along with the expansion of accommodation within the music depaertment, the school has also seen a great deal of investment in the provision of instruments, from the traditional to the more modern. This provides increased opportunity for students to experience music in a wide variety of genre.

School Library

The recently refurbished Academy library provides a variety of spaces for our students to read, study and carry out research and project work. The library space is large, bright and welcoming with a large study area which can be used for small group work as well as whole class lessons.

Stocked with a wide selection of fiction and non fiction books and literature to cater for a wide range of interests the library is available for class groups and S6 students during the school day, and open for the whole school community during lunch times.

The Library is also equipped with a number of computers for research purposes and  also provides a quiet reading area.

Sport Clubs

Students at the Academy have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports clubs run by our dedicated staff

Music Clubs

The Music Department at the school offer or students the opportunity to participate in a variety of bands and choirs

Young Chef

The Academy has had a great deal of success in the ‘Rotary Young Chef’ competition, both Regionally and Nationally.

Sports Facilities

Although being a school of only just over 400 students the Academy can boast access to a wide range of sporting facilities to meet the interests of most of those at the school.

Facilities on, or around the campus include:

  • Games Hall: Large games hall, with sprung wooden floor, equipped for small sided games such as; Indoor Football, Basketball, Netball, Badminton etc..
  • Gym: Small gymnasium with sprung wooden floor, recently refurbished with new ceiling and lighting.
  • MUGA: Multi-use Games Area with synthetic, all weather surface, suitable for small sided games such as 7-a-side Football, Hockey and Tennis (3 courts), floodlit.
  • Rugby Pitch: Grass rugby pitch with integrated football goals.
  • 4G  Football Pitch: Shared access with St Cuthbert Wanderers Football Club, which the school uses during the school day for P.E. Lesons and after school football matches and training.
  • Swimming Pool: Timetabled access to Community Swimming Pool, which is situated adjacent to the Academy.
  • Squash Courts: The school also has access, on request, to two squash courts, again adjacent to the school, mainly for senior students interested in the sport.