Extra Curricular

Duke of Edinburgh

The award is a challenging programme of leisure time activities, designed to encourage young people to learn new skills, help others, and experience adventure in the outdoors.

Through participation students make new friends, develop social and inter-personal skills, and increase their initiative, independence and self-confidence. Completion of the ‘Assessed Expedition’ and of the final award gives a great sense of achievement. What’s more the award is highly prestigious, and valued by colleges, universities and employers.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze expedition

On Sunday 23rd of June Two Bronze groups set off on an expedition.

Most of the hard work had already been done by the individuals, completing the Skills, Physical and Volunteering sections of this award.

It is heart-warming to hear the stories from the young people as they explain how what they have done has enriched the lives of others and reminds you what a worth-while award the DofE really is.

The expedition section is the crowning glory of the 22 miles of trekking and camping over two days and being completely self-sufficient. It develops resilience and team work with a real “can do” attitude. Many of the young people suffered from blisters, some barb wire injuries resulting from flawed navigation, and most could hardly walk at the end but all were in agreement that it was a great experience they will cherish for the rest of their lives.