The House System

Where a sense of belonging is even stronger...

House System

Creating an Identity

The house system plays an important role in the students life at Kirkcudbright Academy with many activities and opportunities organised by, and around, the house structure.

Houses are at the heart of life at the Academy. Students are assigned a House when they join the School and remain part of that House during their time with us.

We wish to see many more students actively engaged in extra-curricular activities and contributing to the school community. The points system is linked to the school house database which is monitored and updated by UPS Tutors. 

House System

Buddy System

When students first join The Academy they’re assigned a ‘buddy’ in their House. Their role is to make sure new students have a friendly face who can show them around, introduce them to new friends and answer any questions students may have.

Pupils entering the school in S1 are allocated a ‘buddy’ from the sixth year students, who will meet them on a regular basis to act as a big brother or sister to the pupil. The ‘buddy’ provides a friendly face who will provide advice and reassurance to the young, new, pupil at the Academy