Junior School

Creating an environment which develops a love of learning


Broad General Education

Within S1-S3, our curriculum fulfils the criteria for a Broad General Education, as directed by Education Scotland, whilst also allowing pupils a degree of personalisation of their curriculum. In S1, S2 and S3 there are certain core subjects – PE (Physical Education), HWB (Health and Wellbeing), RME (Religious and Moral Education) – which supplement the curriculum.

All S1 and S2 classes follow a common course which is designed to build on the foundations of a broad general education across seven different curricular areas, which pupils started in Primary school. It also continues the development of the four capacities – successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and effective contributor – fundamental to education 3-18 and beyond. In Maths, pupils are usually organised in sets according to ability. In S2 pupils have the opportunity to personalise aspects of their studies through choice of an Interdisciplinary Learning topic.


S1/2 Curriculum

Our S1-S2 students continue with the Broad General Education they began in Primary School. This ensures coverage of eight curricular areas:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Expressive Arts (including Art & Design, Drama and Music)
  • Health and Wellbeing (including Physical Education and Personal and Social Education)
  • Modern Foreign Languages 
  • Religious and Moral Education
  • Sciences (including Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
  • Social Subjects (including Geography, History, Modern Studies and Business Management)
  • Technologies (including Home Economics, Computing, and Design, Engineering & Technology)

At the end of a students second year they are provided with the opportunity to specialise in specific curricular areas, and subjects, to prepare them for the Senior Phase in S4.


Starting to Specialise

In S3, pupils have a degree of choice in their curriculum, choosing individual subjects which reflect their interests and career aspirations. Where a student is uncertain of his/her career path they will be encouraged to follow a broad curriculum, studying subjects across the main curricular areas, however where a student has clear interests and career path they have the opportunity to choose a range of subjects to make the transition from the BGE into the Senior Phase a smoother journey.

Whichever subjects are chosen the focus for the majority of students will be gaining experiences within the Curriculum for Excellence fourth level.