Music and Drama

Where new opportunities uncover new abilities

Music and drama


The school has recently expanded the music facilities and opportunities available to it’s students. Following the refurbishment of the Cochran Hall, which used to house the single music room, the school has taken over the previous accommodation used by the Community Centre and converted this into spacious music classrooms, practice rooms and music technology/recording studio.

Along with the expansion of accommodation within the music depaertment, the school has also seen a great deal of investment in the provision of instruments, from the traditional to the more modern. This provides increased opportunity for students to experience music in a wide variety of genre.

music and drama


Whether a performer, back-stage assistant or a member of the audience, all students have the opportunity to be part of the drama productions that take place at the Academy.

The recently refurbished Cochran Hall provides the perfect venue for the performances which take place on a yearly basis. Beyond the entrance foyer, the hall has a capacity to seat an audience of around 400 people. Specialist stage lighting and sound equipment helps to create a professional looking production. 

The traditional building also contains classroom space for those wishing to study drama to certificated level.

Current Music & Drama

Clubs & Achievments

Mixed Voice Choir – Current Dumfries and Galloway Music Festival Champions
Soul Band
Ceilidh Band
Music Technology Club 
Opportunity to learn about recording and producing and build skills using a range of equipment and software.
School Show