
Working in partnership...


Kirkcudbright Rotary Club and The Academy

Five years ago Kirkcudbright Rotary Club held a visioning exercise which resulted in a Three Year Plan designed to deliver a programme which would enable the Club

  • to provide opportunities for young people from all walks of life
  • to engage with, support and mentor young people, with particular emphasis being given to those who have difficulty getting their voice heard, who are low achievers and/or who are deemed to be ‘more challenging’

It was agreed that the simplest and most effective way to approach this was to try to work closely with the local schools.

At the end of this three year period we now feel that we have been able to successfully work alongside the teachers at Kirkcudbright Academy to help to provide meaningful and productive opportunities that we believe have helped to enrich many young people’s education and thereby improve their life chances.

Just some of the Rotary’s Activities…