The School Day

Creating an environment which develops a love of learning

School Life

The School Day

The Academy operates a 35 period week, 7 periods per day, with the lessons starting at 8.55am every morning, with periods arranged as shown below:

  • Period 1      8.55 – 9.45
  • Period 2     9.45 – 10.35
  • Period 3     10.35 – 11.05
  • Break         11.05 – 11.20
  • Period 4     11.20 – 12.10
  • Period 5     12.10 – 1.00
  • Lunch        1.00 – 1.50
  • Period 6     1.50 – 2.40
  • Period 7     2.40 – 3.30

Period 3, which is only 30 minutes long as opposed to 50 minutes for the other periods, can be used for curricular inserts such at UPS (Tutor Periods) and PSE or to provide ‘shorter’ double periods for subject lessons.

All students are expected to arrive promptly to class with a double bell used at the start of the day and at the end of break and lunch. The first of the double bells informing students to proceed to class, the second bell to indicate the start of lessons (all students should be in class by this time.

School Life

Break & Lunch

No student should leave the school campus during morning break without specific permission from a member of the school management (excepting S6 students who have a free period before or after break)

Students in years S2-S6 may leave the school campus at lunch time and are free to visit the main town to take advantage of the various food outlets, ALL students must ensure they are back in school in time for the start of the afternoon classes. S1 students are not permitted to leave the school campus at lunchtime and can make use of the canteen provision on the school premises or bring a packed lunch. Any parents of students in S1 who wish their child to have lunch at home should contact the school to request permission for the student to leave the premises at lunch time.

Students can purchase snacks and meals using both the Young Scot Card or with cash at the tills in the canteen area.

The School Day

Arriving Late to School

Where a student is going to be late to school please inform the school as soon as possible.

Students who arrive late must sign in at the school office. (We need to know who is in the school building at all times)