Support Us

Where everyone is welcome to our Academy community

Support Us

How Can You Stay More Involved?

The support of the Academy’s wider community of former pupils, parents, staff and friends has been key in the development of the School throughout its history.

We are continually looking to provide opportunities for our students to experience as wide a range of activities as we can and to ensure we continue to offer a rich and rewarding educational experience for as many students as possible.

Did being at Kirkcudbright Academy help make you who you are today? Do you believe an Academy education gives young adults the very best start in life?

If you would like to give something back, you can make a charitable donation to the Academy, organise a class reunion, or give your time and become involved in School life.

We are hugely grateful to all our generous benefactors who wish to support Kirkcudbright Academy’s vision and we greatly appreciate every gift, large or small.